Happy Gamma Day!

Today is a special day. It is the first Gamma Day after the launch of this website.

Therefore I am at a special place now, the centre of the world according to the ancient Greeks. It was here in Delphi that Zeus looked for the centre of his “Grandmother Earth” (Ge, Gaea, or Gaia). Delphi was the place where the two eagles met that he had sent out flying from the eastern and western extremities.

This website is inspired by wisdom traditions of the East and West, so it is good to be here at such a central place. The temple of Apollo (in the background of the photo) was also the place where the famous Delphic maxims γνῶθι σεαυτόν (Know Thyself) and μηδέν άγαν (Nothing in excess) were carved in marble. These maxims were attributed to Apollo and to the Seven Sages of Greece.

These maxims have a prominent place on this website. I believe that in order to become wise you need to observe and know all that there is to know about the nature of your own mind. At the same time I am convinced that in everything we do we always have to find the just proportion, the Golden Mean or Golden Ratio. In these times of polarisation and extremism the wisdom of μηδέν άγαν is more important than ever.

It was on 1 April 2013 that the Gamma symbol got its final shape. After many years of searching for a life philosophy or religion that I could follow wholeheartedly, this symbol has brought a basic clarity in my mind. It combines several basic principles that will continue to guide me in my personal quest for wisdom.

The symbol does not represent the final truth. It is both philosophy and religion for beginners. The gamma way is only about the basics and does not replace any philosophy or religion. On the contrary, the gamma symbol has really opened up my mind for all wisdom traditions in the world. There is something to learn from everyone and everything.

This gamma holiday also does not replace existing rituals and traditions. In fact, in my mind the gamma way has only reinforced the meaning and value of rituals from other traditions. 1 April 2013 was also Eastern Monday. Since that time this Christian holiday has also has acquired more significance to me.

I hope that it is clear that on this website I am not looking for followers (I am not new kind of guru or priest). On the other hand, I do hope that the gamma symbol will be helpful for others too and that it can bring them the same kind of clarity of mind and direction that I have found because of it.

Even though I do not want to attract followers, I am always happy to meet like-minded fellow travelers and other wisdom seekers, because we can all learn from each other.

To all of you, I wish you Happy Gamma Day!