Tag Archives: Spinoza

Happy γEaster!

Today it is five years ago that the gamma symbol was completed and became a guiding compass in my life. For the rest of my life I will probably celebrate the first day of April as Gamma Day.

After five years this celebration has already become a fixed ritual of my personal religion. The word religion means different things to different people and I know that this can create a lot of misunderstanding. Here religion stands for the way we reconnect (Lat.: religare) in our minds to our universal origin. The Gamma Tao is also a personal philosophy. The main objective of this philosophy (philo- “loving” + sophia “wisdom”) is to create a wisdom mindset.

For me religion and philosophy have become two sides of the same coin.

On this day I always try to visit a special place. Two years ago I was in Delphi and last year I visited the Pantheon in Rome. This year I went to the Spinoza museum in Rijnsburg. The famous Dutch philosopher Spinoza had interesting ideas about how we are all connected to the substance of the universe and the way emotions, reason and intuition shape our perception of life. He had also much to say about freedom of speech.

It is of course also Easter today.

Actually, 5 years ago, when the gamma symbol took its final form, it was Easter as well. Since then there has been a special connection in my mind between Gamma Day and Easter. In fact, the Gamma helped me to obtain a deeper understanding of the spiritual meaning of Easter and to see Christianity in a new light.

Wisdom has many sources. The Gamma Tao is a key to all wisdom traditions.

Happy γEaster!