My personal goal in life is to become an old and wise human being. This website is my main compass to achieve this goal.
The picture on the right represents this ideal self: 老夏, Lao Hsia or Master Hsia.
To avoid any misunderstandings, let it be clear that I do not see myself as such an accomplished master of life. I am far from perfect and like any other human being I make many mistakes in my life. My theory is still much better than my practice.
I also want to avoid that this website will boost my ego. That would really be counterproductive in a quest for wisdom.
It is better not to take yourself too seriously. Therefore I mostly use the funny image of the empty-headed rubber duck on the left.
If you would like to read occasional tweets and retweets from me, you can follow #thegammaway on Twitter.
If you want to react on the content on this website, you can contact me using the contact form below: