Tag Archives: taoist

sense of proportion

taoist painting

On the gamma way it is very important to develop a good sense of proportion. Proportion is one of the key values.

Today, in our modern societies we are mainly interested in opinions. We are all trained to have opinions on everything and everybody. If you do not have a clear opinion about a topic, your contribution to a discussion will often pass unnoticed. Presidents get elected with the help of catchy one-liners.

Opinions become a part of our identity, both in our own minds as in the eyes of others. Therefore it always takes some courage to change your opinion.

Opinions are important. We would be lost without them. We need opinions to find our way. They help us to put some order in an otherwise confusing world.

We have learned that we need to distinguish between facts and opinions, but that is easier said than done. What is an important fact? That is often also a matter of opinion.

Opinions can be true, partly true, false or partly false. They also have a reality of their own. They do exist in our minds and influence our behavior.

Opinions themselves go beyond the gamma, but together they help to build our sense of proportion. In daily practice a good sense of proportion is more valuable than the sum of all underlying opinions.

Proportion is always related to a perspective, a point of view. Something can be perfectly in proportion from one point of view, but totally out of proportion from another.

This is not a matter of “right” or “wrong”, which can be a good thing to remember when you are having an argument.

In order to develop a good sense of proportion it is important to take different perspectives.

In human affairs this practice, fuelled with feelings from our hearts, can lead to empathy and compassion.

In this way we develop a good sense of proportion in human affairs.

It is possible to take an even wider perspective and try to see things from a global or universal point of view.

From that perspective we can reflect on our place in the world, both as individuals and as a species.

From a high mountain top like this we will probably all recognize how nature itself develops with a perfect sense of proportion. Everything in nature that is out of proportion, will not survive very long.

From an universal perspective most of us will probably soon start to ask ourselves whether our modern societies are still in proportion with the natural environment?

In nature and the universe this seems to be a matter of survival.

It is very difficult to develop a good universal sense of proportion. In order to do this we need to look at our world from various perspectives and learn from science, religions and philosophies. 

Pictures of the earth from space can be very useful. It can also be helpful to take a look at some old Taoist paintings. 

In these paintings nature is often overwhelming. The men in these pictures are small and insignificant. You often have to look for them.

Taoist painters had a special sense of proportion.