Today, next to Summer Solstice, it is Sunflower Day. On this day 6 years ago this website was launched.
This is a day to celebrate diversity and flourishing.
It is the third part of a yearly cycle that starts on Seeding Day (December 27th), continues with Gamma Day (April 1st), the most important celebration, and culminates today.
The Gamma Tao is an interfaith path that stands for diversity. It offers a basic common ground of values and principles, but it is not reductive. On the contrary. All wisdom traditions are unique and deserve their place under the sun. The Gamma Tao is only a starting point to explore these higher paths.
Unity and diversity are different perspectives, not irreconcilable opposites.
We tend to reduce the universe to a set of general principles that we can understand with our limited minds. In reality, everything interacts with everything within the full and complex diversity of uniqueness.
Let’s celebrate this today!