A new cycle begins…

Today it is Sunflower Seeding Day or simply Seeding Day. It marks the beginning of a new cycle for the Gamma Tao. 

Through the year there are three celebrations and one week of reflection.

Seeding Day is a good moment to set good intentions for the coming year. After a few days these intentions may become New Year’s resolutions. 

The next celebration is Gamma Day on the first of April. Gamma Day is the most important celebration of the year. On this day the seeds planted in our mind have started to germinate and are beginning to take shape.

The third celebration is Sunflower Day and is celebrated on 21st of June around Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year on the Northern hemisphere and the beginning of Summer. It is a day to celebrate human flourishing, because the seeds have now become mature.

Hopefully this flourishing will continue for a long time. Apology Week is the next activity on the Gamma Tao agenda. It is a week of reflection and fasting just before Winter Solstice (14-20 December) and a great occasion to work the soil and prepare it for another new cycle.

I have been celebrating these days and observing Apology Week for several years now and they have become increasingly meaningful. 

The three celebrations correspond to three important moments for the Gamma Tao: the intention to formulate my ideas on philosophy and religion (Seeding Day), the conception of the Gamma path (Gamma Day) and the launch of this website (Sunflower Day).

In this way the Gamma Tao has become a personal cult for me.

This is very similar to the way human cultures develop through time. Rituals and celebrations like these give us something to hold on to during the year.

At the same time we have to distinguish between particular cultural practices and the underlying universal values of our traditions. In most religions these two aspects have become so intertwined that they are almost indistinguishable.

There is no necessity to follow these Gamma Tao traditions. All the forms and rituals of the Gamma Tao are only handles for the universal values they represent. It is more important to embody these values in everyday life.

Let a new cycle begin…