Path of resilience

No life is without struggle. Suffering is a part of life. We all have to face hardships sometimes. Some people suffer more than others. In these cases life seems unfair. Wisdom traditions have ways to deal with this reality. They can comfort us, provide meaning and indicate strategies to escape or confront suffering.

The Gamma Tao also offers a basic approach to suffering. In a way the whole Gamma symbol can be seen as a path of resilience.

As the open circle indicates, we have to receive and accept what is coming to us with an open mind. When something bad is happening to us, our feelings and emotions will make us aware of suffering.

The black and white dot in the theoretical Gamma symbol stands for the good and bad conditions in the present moment. This dot is like the coat of a sunflower seed. Our vitality and inner potential (or power of now) to grow out of existing conditions is the seed itself.

Provided that we are healthy and free enough to use our spiritual, emotional and rational intelligence, we can make a turnaround. The outgoing stroke of the γ is therefore the uplifting part of the Gamma symbol that goes up towards the future.

Creative responses to the challenges of life often involve a degree of transformation. They can make us rise above ourselves (and our ego).

Our responses can really make a difference. And even if it is not possible to change a situation itself, we can always change our attitude towards it and soothe negative emotions. Reducing suffering in this way brings a meaningful happiness. A kind of happiness that makes us grow and flourish.

To sum up, the Gamma path of resilience is like a sunflower seed captured in a coat marked by adversity and opportunity, full of potential to break free and flourish as a flower.

And, just like a sunflower, the Gamma Tao is always directed towards the sun.