Symbolic Synthesis

There are two versions of the Gamma Tao symbol, a theoretical one and a practical one. The theoretical symbol was the original version, but nowadays I prefer to use the practical one. The practical version has this inward-outward dynamic and a sense of spontaneity. It is normally only in black and white, but I often add the colours from the theoretical version.

In this post I will go a step further and present a synthesis of both versions.

The Gamma Tao is a philosophy of life. Unlike the Taoist Tao, we can talk about it as much as we like, but its philosophy is only a basic middle way and not particularly outspoken. We should not talk too much to explain what the symbol stands for. Its principles and values have to be tested, practiced and internalised in real life.

In this synthesised symbol I have added many words to show the basic meaning of the Gamma Tao.

These are:

  • The Treasures: The Golden Gift, The Golden Rule, The Golden Mean/Ratio
  • The Values: Gratitude, Compassion, Balance (and Creativity)
  • The Transcendentals: Beauty, Love and Truth (all beyond the Gamma Tao itself)

and, in red, the practical path from receiving to giving.

Let the words speak for themselves. There is a lot to say about them, as many philosophers, sages, mystics and social scientists have done already. These ideas are part of most wisdom traditions around the globe. The Gamma Tao is only a new arrangement on these perennial themes.

Let’s turn now to the visual elements.

The Greek letter γ (gamma) is written in a single and fluent stroke, inspired by Eastern calligraphy, indicating direction and spontaneity.

The open circle hints at the Zen circle (ensō, 円相) that expresses a moment when the mind is free to let the body create. Most versions of the ensō are closed. The circle of the Gamma Tao is always open, emphasising that an open mind is essential to let new things come in.

The colour gamut represents the underlying unity of diversity and opposites.

The colours also indicate the spiritual (blue), sensual (red) and rational (green) spheres of the human mind with all its intuitions, feelings and thoughts.

And finally, there is the sunflower seed.

As I wrote several times before, the black and white shell of the sunflower seed stands for the present circumstances: both the good (white) and the not so good (black).

The seed inside the shell is the potential to make the best of each situation.

This is not easy. Sometimes we need several laps or leaps between our feelings and thoughts to finally accept a situation and deal with it in a creative way.


The whole symbol indicates the way to go: the only way is up.

What a great direction to start the new year!